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C&D: Marketshare of gummy vitamins reaches 7% of total vitamin category


PRINCETON, N.J. — Gummy vitamins continues to be a fast-moving subsegment within multivitamins, Jim Craigie, Church & Dwight executive chairman and CEO, told analysts Friday. 


"The category trends are now headed in the positive direction and most importantly, the fast-growing gummy form of vitamins now represents 7% of the total vitamin category," he said. "That's more than twice what it was when we bought the [Avid] business in 2012." 


C&D's Avid gummy vitamin business delivered double-digit consumption growth in the second quarter behind expanded distribution, new products and increased marketing support, Craigie reported. 


Overall, sales of multivitamins reached $1.7 billion on 0.2% growth for the 52 weeks ended June 15 across total U.S. multi-outlet, according to IRI. Sales of C&D's Vitafusion gummy brand totaled almost $105 million. 


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