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Rise in 'manscaping' may prove a boon for hair-removal market


PRINCETON, N.J. — A sizeable proportion of men (39%) report removing body hair below the neck, otherwise known as manscaping, according to the Multi-sponsor Survey’s 2014 Study of Men’s Grooming Appliances and Tools released today. These results are up from only 1-in-20 (6%) men in 2005.

The manscaping trend is sharply curved toward millennials and Hispanic men, among whom majorities (57% and 58%, respectively) report body hair removal. The groin is the most common area for male body-hair removal, followed by the chest and underarms. Removing underarm hair appears to be the latest growing trend in male body-hair removal.

Blade razors, both disposable and refillable, are the most popular tools for removing body hair, followed by electric razors. Use of the body razor — a product designed specifically for body hair removal —is very low comparatively.

"This trend suggests the men's hair removal market is ripe for new products to facilitate body hair removal and after-care products to soothe and enhance skin's appearance," said Cherie Godbold, account executive at Multi-sponsor Survey.

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