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Thousands to participate in this year's 'Step Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes' event


ALEXANDRIA, Va. — This year, thousands of people in communities across the country are expected to join the millions in the fight to stop diabetes by participating in the American Diabetes Association's Step Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes fundraising event.

Over the next few months, 108 walks are scheduled to take place, raising funds that are critical to change the future of the disease. Last year, more than 110,000 walkers raised nearly $24 million to support the Association's mission.

Walking is one of the best methods of exercise and helps control blood glucose levels and improves overall quality of life. Step Out is a walk that allows everyone to participate regardless of mobility or fitness level. With route options ranging from one to six miles, participants can walk as an individual or create a team and walk with friends, family and co-workers. There are all different types and sizes of teams at the Step Out events. Corporate teams, family teams, school teams, as well as clubs and organizations, are all welcome to participate.

As part of Step Out, the Association is also looking for Red Striders to join in the events. A Red Strider is a person living with diabetes who participates in Step Out and puts a face on this serious disease by helping others understand what it takes to live with — and fight — diabetes.

Today, there are nearly 30 million Americans who are currently living with diabetes. While an estimated 21 million have been diagnosed, 8.1 million people are unaware that they have the disease. If current trends continue, 1-in-3 American adults will have diabetes by 2050.

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