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MediPendant to be sold at Albertsons


PLYMOUTH MEETING, Pa. Medical Alarm Concepts has gained distribution of its MediPendant through Albertsons, the company announced Tuesday.

The MediPendant is a fully-monitored medical alarm system that allows users to speak and listen directly through the pendant.

“We are very pleased to be able to announce that Albertsons will now be offering our next generation personal emergency response system throughout their stores,” stated Medical Alarm Concepts CEO Howard Teicher. “Albertsons currently has over 250 pharmacy based stores and we believe our presence there will add tremendous value to our operations,” he said. “We expect this partnership will open up for additional distribution agreements with leading retail chains. Our technology of being able to have two-way call through the pendant with a range of 600 feet, versus being dependent on the competition's base-unit inside, is receiving a lot of interest.”

Under the terms of the distribution agreement signed in March of this year, the company's MediPendant alarm device will be offered by Albertsons in various locations throughout its grocery chain stores, including, but not limited to, the pharmacy section.  The particular offering will also include one free month of monitoring services, and an associated "lock box" device that enables the EMT-certified operator to provide the access code to the ambulance personnel prior to arriving at the home. A lock box enables the ambulance personnel to avoid having to break into the home or waste time finding a source of entry.

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