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AgaMatrix launches diabetes application for iPhone, iPod Touch


SALEM, N.H. The number of apps available for the Apple iPhone and iPod Touch seems well on its way to exceeding the population of the United States, but that hasn’t stopped one company from developing an app for diabetes patients.

AgaMatrix, which manufactures the WaveSense line of blood glucose monitors, announced Tuesday the launch of the WaveSense Diabetes Manager, a diabetes logbook app designed to run on the iPhone and iPod Touch. The application is available from for free, and AgaMatrix said it would lay the foundation for a series of other products designed to use the iPhone.

The app includes data entry, graphing of glucose data, automatic mealtime tagging of results, management of food intake, activity and medication and other features.

“Leveraging mobile technology to deliver better patient care is a major trend in the making and has the potential to transform the management of chronic diseases such as diabetes,” University of Washington professor of medicine and diabetes specialist Irl Hirsch said in a statement. “With the launch of WaveSense Diabetes Manager, WaveSense is setting the bar in the new disease management paradigm with a combination of an extensive feature set and very intuitive user interface.”

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