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Constellation Pharmaceuticals appoints new EVP


CAMBRIDGE, Mass. A company involved in an emerging drug-discovery field that may provide new therapies for such diseases as cancer has appointed a new EVP.

Constellation Pharmaceuticals announced the appointment of Garen Bohlin as EVP, a position in which he will be responsible for corporate operations and finance. Bohlin, who has had executive posts in biotechnology companies for 25 years, most recently served as COO of Sirtris Pharmaceuticals, previously serving as CEO of Syntonix Pharmaceuticals.

“We are delighted and proud that Garen is bringing his operational talents to Constellation,” Constellation CEO Mark Goldsmith said. “Garen is widely respected for his impressive record of delivering strong investor returns from innovative companies.”

Constellation has lately conducted research into epigenetics. Epigenetics involves chemical modifications of the epigenome, the collective name for DNA and its packaging proteins, which act as an “on-off switch” for genes.

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