Rexam teams up with Marsh, MainStreet Market pharmacies to offer safe Rx disposal
PERRYSBURG, Ohio — Rexam Prescription Products recently partnered with Marsh and MainStreet Market pharmacies for a new campaign that encourages consumers to safely dispose of their unused or expired medications.
The "Clean Out Your Medicine Cabinet" campaign encouraged consumers could bring their leftover medications to one of 40 Marsh Pharmacy and MainStreet Market Pharmacy locations throughout Indiana for free and safe disposal. More than 37,000 vials were collected over a 4-day period and were properly disposed through a local incinerator. Marsh first began hosting "clean out" events in 2008, and since that time has collected more than 140,000 vials of unused medications.
"We are pleased to partner with Marsh and support their efforts to improve prescription disposal," said Pat O'Connell, Rexam's VP sales and marketing for prescription products. “It’s another example of how we work closely with our customers to address industry issues and add value to consumers' lives."