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U.S., E.U., Australia partner on factory inspections


WASHINGTON The United States, the European Union and Australia will team up to inspect factories in countries such as China and India that produce many of the raw materials used in pharmaceuticals, Bush administration officials announced Wednesday.

The Food and Drug Administration is already opening offices in the Chinese cities of Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou that will inspect products before they leave for the U.S. It also has plans to open offices in India.

Under the new, international program, regulators from the U.S., E.U. and Australia will share information to improve the efficiency of inspections.

“These programs will significantly increase our collaboration with international and private sector partners to enhance the safety of imported food and medical products,” stated Health and Human Services secretary Mike Leavitt. “Working together, we intend to offer expedited access to those [import] products shown to meet our standards and to focus more of our resources on those products that present higher risks.”

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