NACDS participates in U.S. Senate Health Fair


ALEXANDRIA, Va. — The National Association of Chain Drug Stores has announced that it will participate in the annual U.S. Senate Health Fair, which will take place on Oct. 11 to 12 in the U.S. Senate Office complex on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.  

The U.S. Senate Health Fair will offer thousands of Senate employees — including Hill staffers, Capitol Hill Police officers and other employees — an opportunity to receive healthcare advice and care, highlighting the essential role community pharmacy plays in the healthcare delivery system.  

For the third year in a row, NACDS is coordinating an exhibit at the health fair to demonstrate the importance of the pharmacist-patient relationship and the valuable role that pharmacy plays in helping patients take their medication properly and in providing patients other important health services.  


Pharmacists from NACDS member companies Rite Aid and Walgreens will be on hand to provide medication therapy management services and blood pressure screenings and offer advice on questions related to medications and patient health. In addition, these companies’ pharmacists will also administer flu shots for Senate employees. NACDS member companies provide similar services at other community health fairs across the country.  


“We talk considerably about the important role of community pharmacy in helping patients improve their health and reduce healthcare costs. But the U.S. Senate Health Fair really takes this role and turns it into reality for Senate employees, showing them that they and the people in their states can truly benefit from the services provided by community pharmacy,” said NACDS president and CEO Steve Anderson. “We thank NACDS member companies for their participation in this year’s fair and urge Senate employees to take full advantage of this opportunity to exemplify the accessibility, services and health education that pharmacists provide.”

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