• Retail clinic growth slowing down? Not a chance

    WHAT IT MEANS AND WHY IT'S IMPORTANT The news that Target is looking to expand its retail-based clinic business this year is yet one more indicator that reports of the demise of retail clinic growth have been greatly exaggerated.

    (THE NEWS: Target to expand its retail clinic presence. For the full story, click here)

  • Target's bull's-eye approach against allergies

    Target started an ad campaign last year called “Ask Us,” and here the retailer is taking a bull's-eye approach against allergies by not only promoting their knowledgeable pharmacists as the friendly neighborhood allergy experts, but also directing consumers as to where they can find the popular decongestant pseudoephedrine.

  • The Harry and Louise ad I would like to see

    Louise: [Sneezing and coughing incessantly.] HAAAA-CHOOOOOOO! Oh, Harry! Can you believe the doctor won’t be able to see me until a week from next Monday?

    Harry: A week from next Monday? That’s almost two weeks from now. That seems like an awfully long time to wait—what if it’s something serious?

    Louise: At this rate, whatever it is, I’ll either be all better or stone dead by the time I get an appointment!

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