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Pet owners prefer this retailer for shopping needs

It's easy to assume that the top place to purchase products for pets would be one of the mass specialty retail stores geared towards dogs, cats and other animals that consumers would be likely to have as an additional household member. Though as the saying goes, things aren't always how they seem.

According to data published by Packaged Facts’ new U.S. Pet Market Focus: Walmart as Competitor study, the retailer has been etching out the competition. The study also assesses the retailer’s pet products, services and focuses on omnichannel — online, in-store and aggregated — consumer purchasing trends over time.

Walmart’s pet-owning consumer base is quite larger than such major retailers as Target, Costco and Kroger, the study also reports.

When it comes to choosing the location to find the right products for their four-legged family members, consumers weigh pricing heavily, but also look at other such variables as convenience, brands and selection.

"Overall, Walmart enjoys impressive strength in shopper traffic/shopping trips, offering almost unbeatable one-store shopping convenience, making it possible for pet owners to pick up non-pet products, along with pet products of all stripes, in the same place," David Sprinkle, Packaged Facts' research director, said. "And pet product customers are clearly a growth engine for Walmart."

Less relevant factors that influence spending habits are related to the retailer’s staff and in-store services. The ability to order online also makes less of an impact, the study states.

Packaged Facts also estimates that more than one-third of Walmart’s pet product purchasers report spending more from the retailer than a few years ago, while less than 10% report to spending less. About half are spending the same amount, with the Gen Z and millennial demographics citing that they are more likely to purchase from Walmart than a few years ago.

Further information on the study can be found on the company's website.
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