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Get ready for upcoming 2024 NACDS TSE

In addition to the formal business program and Insight Sessions, the NACDS Total Store Expo offers an impressive Exhibit Hall.

The 2024 National Association of Chain Drug Stores Total Store Expo kicks off Aug. 17 in Boston with an impressive agenda.

NACDS said it looks forward to welcoming small, mid-sized and large companies nationwide for this annual, one-of-a-kind event—which gives members an exclusive opportunity to connect, collaborate and expand their professional networks.

Meet the Market, a highly popular aspect of the conference schedule, will offer NACDS suppliers and chains the opportunity to learn more about the latest products, technologies and services through a series of 10-minutes appointments arranged by NACDS. The conversations that start here have the potential to lead to distributions across more than 300 leading domestic and international omni-channel-retailers.

This year, the Sunday Business Program will feature NACDS Chair Kevin Host, senior vice president of pharmacy, Walmart, and NACDS president and CEO Steve Anderson.

Attendees also can look forward to remarks by General (Ret.) Mark A. Milley—who most recently served as the 20th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the nation’s highest-ranking military officer, and the principal military advisor to the President, Secretary of Defense and National Security Council.

[Read more: NACDS bestows chain pharmacy’s highest honor on Randy Edeker at 2024 NACDS Annual Meeting]

Additionally, the NACDS Total Store Expo is set to feature a vibrant educational component that includes topics of relevance to the pharmacy, to consumer goods and to the entire supply chain.

Sessions held on Saturday afternoon and Monday morning include: how generative AI is being used by retailers and suppliers today; how industry leaders are paving the way for gender inclusion; what challenges, opportunities and strategies lie ahead for the industry over the next six months; how to expand opportunities for pharmacies in value-based care; a deep-dive on healthcare delivery models related to diabetes care; pharmaceutical trends, issues and forecasts; the future of commerce and how to navigate it; and DSCSA interoperability.

In addition to the formal business program and myriad Insight Sessions, the NACDS Total Store Expo offers an impressive Exhibit Hall showcasing the latest innovations spanning all categories, including consumer packaged goods, over-the-counter, beauty, supply chain, asset protection and more.

See the full schedule.

The NACDS Institute, a special program at the NACDS Total Store Expo, will feature an engaging discussion between NACDS leaders, pharmacy and healthcare experts on key opportunities to advance health and to build sustainable strategies that scale pharmacy services. Panelists will explore the unique ways in which pharmacy teams can meaningfully improve community health—from providing routine care to scaling Food Is Medicine interventions. They also will provide an update on NACDS’ Nourish My Health public education campaign—which has achieved nearly 180 million impressions since its inception, and which came about as part of the Association’s commitment to the September 2022 White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health.

[Read more: Healthcare industry celebrates, honors NACDS’ 90th anniversary, retail pharmacies]

Be sure to check out the 2024 NACDS Total Store Expo “Know Before You Go” video to hear last-minute preparation tips and to learn how to get the most out of this year’s conference schedule.

Stay tuned also to NACDS-TV, which will provide daily highlights from the 2024 NACDS Total Store Expo—and if you’re tweeting out from the event, be sure to use #NACDSTSE.

For additional information about the 2024 NACDS TSE, contact Jim Whitman, NACDS’ senior vice president of member programs and services, at (703) 837-4610 or visit the 2024 NACDS Total Store Expo frequently-asked-questions.

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