AAP sponsors prescription drug abuse education event
SCOTTSBORO, Ala. — Government authorities are working to educate independent pharmacy owners on prescription drug abuse, an independent pharmacy network said.
In an event sponsored by American Associated Pharmacies in San Diego, Drug Enforcement Administration deputy assistant administrator for the Office of Diversion Control Joseph Rannazzisi discussed topics related to prescription drug abuse. Rannazzisi explained how drug abusers divert prescription drugs through doctor shopping, forged prescriptions, theft and the Internet.
According to the "National Survey on Drug Use and Health 2008" report, there were 2.5 million people who used prescription pain relievers, tranquilizers, stimulants and sedatives for the first time, compared with the 2.2 million who tried marijuana for the first time. The 2010 report found that prescription and OTC drugs accounted for most of the top drugs abused by 12th graders.
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