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ACI survey: Spring cleaners cut back on products


WASHINGTON — The American Cleaning Institute, in conjunction with Echo Research, conducted a survey of 1,777 Americans and found most respondents are spending less on cleaning products due to economic factors.

According to the survey, 69% of respondents who Spring clean say economic conditions influence their home-cleaning behaviors, with the top two changes included buying less expensive cleaning products and cleaning more themselves at home rather than hire a professional cleaning service.

While many respondents may be cutting back on how much they spend, there's still ample opportunity for retailers to benefit from spring cleaning. More than 7-in-10 respondents indicated spring cleaning is an annual ritual in their home, with the bedroom (76%), kitchen (73%) and bathroom (69%) being the areas most often addressed. As ACI senior vice president of Education, Nancy Bock, says, “consumers [can] maximize their cleaning product purchases and stretch their dollars at home.” Bock suggests for consumers to actively read the product labels and to always use the right amount of product, especially with concentrated formulas, as well as to consider multipurpose cleaners, as the marketplace is flush with products that can effectively clean a variety of surfaces.

Consumers can find more useful tips on cleaning around the home on ACI’s Clean Living at Home page:

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