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Alaven launches Bifera iron supplement


ATLANTA Alaven Consumer Healthcare launched its Bifera iron supplement in preparation for the ECRM Vitamin, Diet and Sports Nutrition conference.

Unique to the iron supplement category, Bifera offers both heme (protein-based) and non-heme (plant-based) iron. Unlike other iron supplements available over the counter, Bifera provides two types of iron in one small pill for maximum absorption with virtually no gastrointestinal side effects.

"Bifera can be taken on an empty stomach, with other multi-vitamin supplements and, unlike other over-the-counter iron supplements, Bifera can be taken with acid-reduction medications,” stated Autumn Akin, Bifera product manager.

Bifera is similar to Alaven's current prescription prenatal supplement PreferaOB, which contains both heme and non-heme iron. Bifera is recommended for adults already taking supplemental iron, women of childbearing age, pregnant women, people who are anemic and men and women who simply need more iron in their diet and the energy it provides.

According to Curt Behrens, president of P2B, a retail sales and marketing company, Bifera is a significant advance among iron supplements. "This new iron technology will help millions of consumers and energize a sleepy category for retailers," Behrens said. "Bifera's new entrance into the iron category will appeal to dieticians, repeat buyers and lapsed iron users who are looking for reduced side effects and enhanced energy, all of which encourages patient compliance and repeat customers."

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