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Buyer impulse still strong


Shoppers still are purchasing on impulse at the front end of the store. Data from SymphonyIRI Group indicated that more than half of consumers make unplanned purchases upon seeing products or deals in the store — a percentage that has remained unchanged during the past 18 months. In a recent survey of more than 1,500 consumers, 46% said they made an unplanned purchase during their most recent trip to the drug store. (For complete results, visit

Paco Underhill, founder of consumer behavior research and consulting firm Envirosell, said drug store checkouts represent a “glaring opportunity.” 

“There needs to be a reinvention of the checkout and a revitalization of impulse merchandise in the drug channel,” he said. “Magazines, batteries, health-related products and seasonal merchandise all represent an opportunity for impulse purchase in those stores.”

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