WASHINGTON — John Hathcock, SVP scientific and international affairs for the Council for Responsible Nutrition, last week officially retired from the association. Hathcock will serve as a part-time consultant for CRN moving forward, focusing on international issues and continuing his work in the area of risk assessment for nutrients.
“We have been privileged to have someone of Dr. Hathcock’s caliber, intelligence and dedication represent CRN in its pursuit to make dietary supplements safe for the world, and make the world safe for dietary supplements," stated Steve Mister, CRN president and CEO. "He is highly revered within the dietary supplement industry, well-regarded in scientific circles and strongly respected throughout the international regulatory world."
Hathcock was instrumental in securing nongovernmental-organization status for the trade association in Codex Alimentarius, the first such recognition for the dietary supplement industry. In addition to representing CRN and its member companies at Codex meetings, Hathcock is renowned for his work in refining the principles of risk assessment as applied to nutrients, his championing that the establishment of recommended-daily-allowance-based upper levels by regulatory bodies is not scientifically appropriate and his efforts to deter regulation based on nonscientific precautionary principles.
Hathcock’s career spans four decades, culminating with 17 years at CRN. After receiving his Ph.D. in nutrition from Cornell University, he began his career as a professor at Iowa State University. He spent nearly a decade at the Food and Drug Administration as a senior scientist before joining CRN. Throughout his career, Hathcock served on numerous editorial boards, published extensively in peer-reviewed scientific and regulatory journals and was a member of many nutrition, food science and toxicology professional societies. He is the author of CRN’s "Vitamin and Mineral Safety" (1997 and 2004) and is the winner of two dietary supplement industry awards: the CRN Apple Award and the NBJ Lifetime Achievement Award.
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