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Daily Diversion: CVS-themed birthday party



A photo posted by Sarah Fortune (@sarahfortune) on Oct 15, 2015 at 7:42pm PDT

Blogger and mom Sarah Fortune has written about her daughter Iris’ love of her local CVS/pharmacy in Fayetteville, Ark., for about 10 months. So when Iris’ fourth birthday rolled around and she asked for a CVS-themed party, Fortune pulled through — as did the local CVS. 

“But when CVS headquarters heard about Iris’ party, they sent us tons of snacks, favors, and party supplies to celebrate. How cool is that?” Fortune wrote in a blog post about the party. “And when we told the local store manager about what kind of party we were having, he was so sweet to donate some CVS-brand water bottles to add to the goodie bags. Not to mention that her year was MADE when they flashed a big “Happy Birthday” message to Iris up on the big sign out front.”

Check out the photo from Fortune’s Instagram above, and click here to see more photos from the CVS-themed bash. 

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