It may be time to start carving out more real estate for single-serve energy shots, or more appropriately for the food, drug and mass channel two-packs and four-packs of shots. Living Essentials can be credited with creating the category, and between its 5 Hour Energy and 5 Hour Energy Extra Strength, the company still drives the category with an 82.1% dollar share, according to SymphonyIRI Group data for the 52 weeks ended Sept. 4 across food, drug and mass (excluding Walmart).
Living Essentials and others are targeting that adult need for an energy boost. Living Essentials does it with its frequently parodied “Got that 2:30 feeling?” commercials and a sampling event at, of all places, the annual convention of the AARP.
And now Campbell Soup is throwing its energy hat in the ring with plans announced this summer to expand its V8 franchise into the energy shot space. Campbell will be positioning its V8 brands — which resonate well among seniors — as healthier alternatives to most energy drinks on the market today.
Parlaying off of the success of those energy shots is iChill Beverages, which hopes to offer a relaxation alternative. The iChill shot contains ingredients like melatonin and valerian root to help people with high stress, or people who have trouble sleeping, to relax.
The article above is part of the DSN Category Review Series. For the complete Sports Nutrition Buy-In Report, including extensive charts, data and more analysis, click here.