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Facebook exec: Purpose-driven marketing here to stay


LAS VEGAS — Marketing and advertising has seen a big shift and the change could be permanent.

Facebook’s head of advertising said he expects more marketers to join the trend of purpose-driven marketing, following a series of Super Bowl spots that went beyond just being funny in favor of more meaningful messaging, reported Adweek.

On Wednesday during the Adobe Summit in Las Vegas, David Fischer, Facebook’s VP of advertising and global operations, said he hopes purpose-driven marketing will remain vital.

“If you watched the Super Bowl this year and just watched the ads, there weren’t so many of those funny beer, chips and laughing spots,” he said. “They were more a kind of purpose-driven, and I think that’s something that will continue.”

During the game, other brands also voiced support for various causes as purpose-driven marketing gained prominence. Budweiser, 84 Lumber, Audi, Kia and Airbnb are among the companies to air meaningful commercials during this year’s Super Bowl, Fischer added.

This topic is among many expected to be discussed at the Drug Store News and Mack Elevation third-annual New General Market Summit April 4 in Minneapolis. For more information about this event, click here.

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