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Fujifilm unveils new print services and fulfillment operation


VALHALLA, N.Y. Fujifilm announced that its primary U.S. manufacturing and distribution complex, located in Greenwood, S.C., will house a state-of-the-art digital print services and fulfillment operation.

The 500-acre property will undergo minor reconstruction in order to accommodate what is being called the largest Fujifilm manufacturing operation in the United Sates, and the largest Fujifilm distribution center in the world.

“Greenwood offers a number of advantages,” said Shin Kataoka, president of Fujifilm Manufacturing U.S.A., and head of operations at Greenwood. “Its central location and proximity to raw materials will enhance efficiencies. In addition, Fujifilm is already a well-established corporate citizen [in South Carolina] and has become a model of sustainability for our company globally.”

The new complex marks the company's commitment to expanding photo printing and fulfillment operations after seeing a growing in the photo specialty business in the United States.

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