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Good news first...


This is one of those good news/bad news situations. On one hand, 77% of pharmacy patients believe that the pharmacist at their preferred pharmacy is always available to answer their questions and consult on medications, with local independents ranking at the high end of the curve at 84%. Unsurprisingly, pharmacists at mail-order pharmacies got the lowest marks (56%), according to an exclusive survey of nearly 800 patients conducted by AccentHealth and DSN in late July and early August.

The bad news — for all their accessibility, it appears they are a vastly underutilized resource. How underutilized? Stay tuned for the next Patient Views to find out.

To see more Patient Views, click here.

Patient Views is a new, exclusive consumer insights feature that will be appear in every edition of DSN magazine and the daily e-newsletter DSN A.M. If you could ask 4,000 patients anything at all, what would it be? Send your questions to [email protected].

As a consumer, how accessible do you think pharmacists are?

Source: AccentHealth. To view the methodology, click here.


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