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Green Works kicks off Walk to School Challenge


OAKLAND, Calif. Green Works is promoting healthy lifestyles in line with International Walk to School Month.

Green Works, a maker of naturally derived cleaners, has partnered with the Sierra Club, the oldest and largest environmental organization in the United States, for the Walk to School Challenge. Together, the groups hope to encourage people to use walking and bicycling to school as a simple way to spend more time outdoors and live a more natural lifestyle. Green Works is promoting the Walk to School Challenge on its Facebook fan page and company website.

"We are excited to help get more people to take this simple step to a more natural, healthier lifestyle," said Ria Lacher, brand manager for Green Works. "And while not everyone lives close enough to walk to school every day, we think everyone can find a way to participate. If you live far away, walk together to a bus stop or park a few blocks from your school and walk the rest of the way to campus."

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