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Hallmark announces e-card subscription plan


KANSAS CITY, Mo. Hallmark Cards announced its first e-card subscription plan, which offers consumers unlimited sending of exclusive e-cards for $9.99 per year.

The plan encompasses all of Hallmark's premium e-cards, including those featuring hoops&yoyo and Maxine, as well as licensed e-cards with hit music and such TV shows and movies as "The Office," "Madagascar" and "Star Wars." Premium Hallmark e-cards sell individually for 99 cents each.

Consumers can personalize the e-cards when it is convenient, and Hallmark will send them anytime during the course of the subscription. Hallmark's reminder service and address book make it easy to remember important dates and events.

"We know people enjoy connecting with their friends and family by using e-cards featuring their favorite characters, movies and music," noted Hallmark product manager Shelley Mathews. "This plan makes it easy and convenient to send those e-cards when they're needed. Consumers can select and address their e-cards ahead of time, and Hallmark will send them out right on time."

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