More than 90% of pharmacy patients have a preferred pharmacy — and for 98% of that group, it isn’t mail order. But how do patients choose a preferred pharmacy, you ask? According to an exclusive survey of nearly 800 patients, conducted by AccentHealth and DSN in late July and early August, after convenience/location (among the top three factors selected by 75% of patients), the second most critical reason is customer service (top three for 57% of patients). This is strong indication that pharmacy retailers need to pump more investment into pharmacy customer engagement and efforts to transform the drug store from just a dispensary of prescriptions to a destination for a broader array of health services.
To see more Patient Views, click here.
Patient Views is a new, exclusive consumer insights feature that will be appear in every edition of DSN magazine and the daily e-newsletter DSN A.M. If you could ask 4,000 patients anything at all, what would it be? Send your questions to [email protected].
What is your preferred pharmacy type?
Source: AccentHealth. To view the methodology, click here.