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Industry vet Ted Peterson launches customer development company CPG Linkages


MCLEAN, Va. — Ted Peterson, HBC industry veteran and former VP of the Consumer Healthcare Products Association, today announced his new firm CPG Linkages, which will focus on customer development efforts to help national trade associations and their manufacturer members connect with each other and their retail customers to identify and execute business growth opportunities.


“The most critical challenge facing trade associations and their members today is manufacturer and retailer consolidation. This has created a need for an avenue to facilitate access to decision-makers from all disciplines at key suppliers and retailers,” Peterson said. “At CHPA, I developed opportunities for members to grow their businesses by identifying areas for mutual gains and leveraging association membership to facilitate introductions. With CPG Linkages, I'm identifying these same opportunities with select clients in a more focused way.”


Peterson served as VP of CHPA for 13 years and evolved the organization into a leading industry advocate for helping grow members’ businesses.


“Associations are focused on defending and protecting members through legislative and regulatory support, and they often neglect facilitating business growth opportunities for their members,” Peterson said. “I look forward to continuing to help the consumer products industry maximize business opportunities through our efforts at CPG Linkages.”


Peterson was formerly in sales management and customer development with Eastman Kodak Company, National Association of Chain Drug Stores, Whitehall Laboratories (now Pfizer) and Exel Logistics. 



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