RALEIGH, N.C. — County and state fairs across the country draw millions of visitors every year, but many fairgoers forget to bring along things like sunscreen, headache relievers and antacids.
In response, Kerr Drug is sponsoring a "general store" at the North Carolina State Fair, the regional retail pharmacy chain said. In addition to the aforementioned items, it also will act as the exclusive provider of flu shots at the fair, and Kerr Drug pharmacists will be on hand to provide flu shots to individuals ages 14 and older.
"The NC State Fair shows off the best traditions of North Carolina and Kerr Drug, with our headquarters in Raleigh and our pharmacies across the state, and is proud to be the operator of the fair's general store [and] the exclusive provider of flu shots of the N.C. State Fair," Kerr Drug CEO Tony Civello said.