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LA Times: Calif. Gov. Brown to 'probably' sign statewide ban on plastic bags


NEW YORK — California could become the first state to impose a statewide ban on single-use plastic bags.

The Los Angeles Times reported that, during a televised debate Thursday evening, Gov. Jerry Brown said he would “probably” sign a law that would ban plastic grocery bags.

The gubernatorial debate was with Republican rival Neel Kashkari, who said he would not sign the bill if he became governor, the article stated.

Last week, state lawmakers approved legislation banning plastic bags available to shoppers in such retail outlets as convenience stores, pharmacies and supermarkets. Under the bill, stores could charge consumers 10 cents for paper or reusable plastic bags as an alternative, the LA Times reported. Similar bans are already in place in more than 100 cities and counties in California.

Once signed, the ban would become effective July 1, 2015. It would extend to convenience stores and liquor stores a year later, the LA Times reported.

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