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LNK selects Prescient, adjusts forecast for Rite Aid


WEST CHESTER, Pa. LNK International, a private label manufacturer of over-the-counter medicines, selected Prescient Applied Intelligence’s Forecast Exchange solution, a web-based collaboration tool that enables retailers and suppliers to compare forecast information, manage to exceptions and adjust forecasts as required, Prescient announced Monday.

“As soon as we went live with Forecast Exchange, we saw that our inventory levels were too low to service Rite Aid and its newly acquired Brooks-Eckerd stores,” stated Ray McClusker, director of private label for drug chains at LNK. “With Prescient, we had visibility into what Rite Aid was planning to buy, which represented a significant increase over our forecasted demand. Thanks to Forecast Exchange, we were alerted in time to adjust the forecast. Otherwise, we never would have caught the discrepancy.”

LNK currently supplies Rite Aid with more than 100 products, many of which are seasonal.

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