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Max-Wellness Advocates


Max-Wellness, a health-and-wellness concept store, has incorporated proactive employees armed with health information as part of its DNA since the company’s inception in 2010. The store format features “Max-Answers” information stations that house tablets that can either be picked up by a customer or a Max-Wellness associate for use right at the shelf of interest.

The health tablet programming is driven by Aisle7 but has been customized by Max-Wellness. And that health information isn’t static, noted company founder Michael Feuer, as the Max-Wellness advocates remain abreast of health news daily as a key discipline. “We want people to come in and say, ‘I just read this.’ … And we want [our advocates] to be authoritative. That’s really what makes us different.”

There are five Max-Wellness locations across Ohio and Florida.

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