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Mintel: American women most likely to use anti-aging face creams


CHICAGO — American women lead the way in anti-aging facial skin care usage when compared with their counterparts in Germany, France and the United Kingdom, according to new research from Mintel.

The $2.3 billion (in 2011) U.S. anti-aging skin care market has experienced substantial growth in the past five years, as women continue to clamor for the next advancement to stave off the signs of aging.

While the desire to find the fountain of youth is a global concern, recent Mintel research found that American women lead the way in anti-aging facial skin care usage when compared with their counterparts in Germany, France and the U.K., while the West (United States, U.K. and France) launched the most anti-aging skin care products between 2009 and 2011 in comparison with Japan and China. Thirty-seven percent of U.S. women have used anti-aging creams and serums for the face, compared with 23% of U.K. women, 24% of the female population in France, 25% of women in Germany and 26% of women in Spain, according to Mintel.

But it's not all creams and serums in the anti-aging fight. Devices could become the weapons of choice in the battle against fine lines and wrinkles. While usage is modest (just 4% of U.S. women have used an anti-aging device), 35% of American women report that while they haven't used an at-home anti-aging device, they would be open to trying one. Furthermore, women seem more interested in at-home treatments than visiting a professional. Forty percent of U.S. women have used or would be interested in using an at-home treatment, compared to 32% who have visited/would visit a professional for non-invasive anti-aging treatments.

Meanwhile, product launch activity seems to be the greatest in the West. According to Mintel's Global New Products Database, 46% of total skin care product launches in the U.K. carried an anti-aging claim from 2009 to 2011. France and the United States were only slightly higher, with 47% of skin care launches touting the anti-aging claim. China and Japan followed with much lower numbers — 27% and 19%, respectively.

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