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Money changes everything


When all things are equal — particularly, cost! — there is no doubt that satisfied pharmacy customers are fiercely loyal to their preferred stores. But like Cyndi Lauper once sang, "Money changes everything," particularly for the 32% of Patient Views respondents who said they would be willing to change pharmacies for a savings of $5 or less, according to an exclusive survey of nearly 800 patients conducted by AccentHealth and DSN in late July and early August. How low will they go? Eight percent would switch for less than a buck.

To see more Patient Views, click here.

Patient Views is a new, exclusive consumer insights feature that will be appear in every edition of DSN magazine and the daily e-newsletter DSN A.M. If you could ask 4,000 patients anything at all, what would it be? Send your questions to [email protected].

How likely are you to switch pharmacies if you faced higher costs at your current pharmacy?

Source: AccentHealth. To view the methodology, click here.


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