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NACDS applauds credit card expiration date bill


President George W. Bush signed into law Wednesday a bill to protect drug stores from lawsuits for printing expiration dates of credit and debit cards on receipts, drawing praise from the National Association of Chain Drug Stores.

The Credit Card and Debit Card Receipt Clarification Act states that printing the expiration date of a customer’s credit or debit card does not violate the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

In the past, consumers have filed class-action lawsuits against retailers that print the expiration dates, alleging that it violates privacy, though it has not harmed consumers. The new law will allow retailers to move for dismissal of lawsuits over the practice.

“Enactment of this law sends a strong message that Congress and the President are confident in the standards that businesses use to protect consumer privacy,” said NACDS president and chief executive officer Steve Anderson. “Retailers will be able to serve their customers without the threat of bogus lawsuits that abuse the judicial system and undermine consumer protection.”

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