NACDS Foundation announces new Community PREP grant recipients
ALEXANDRIA, Va. — The National Association of Chain Drug Stores Foundation has announced 15 additional academic institutions selected for the Community Pharmacy Residency Expansion Project (Community PREP).
The $1.5 million educational grant program, established in 2010, is designed to expand post-graduate community pharmacy residency opportunities for recent pharmacy school graduates.
The following academic institutions will receive a $50,000 educational grant:
Auburn University, with practice sites at Adams Drug Good Neighbor Pharmacy
Midwestern University-Chicago, with practice sites at Supervalu
Northeastern University, with practice sites at Walgreens
Pacific University, with practice sites at Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Center
Rosalind Franklin University, with practice sites at Northshore University Health System
Southwestern Oklahoma State University, with practice sites at Walgreens
University of Mississippi, with practice sites at Funderburk’s Pharmacy
University of New England, with practice sites at Martins Point Health Center
University of North Carolina, with practice sites at Kroger
University of Pittsburgh, with practice sites at Giant Eagle
University of Rhode Island, with practice sites at Rite Aid
University of Texas-Austin, with practice sites at H-E-B
Virginia Commonwealth University, with practice sites at Jefferson Good Neighbor Pharmacy
West Virginia University, with practice sites at Kroger
Western New England University, with practice sites at Big Y Foods
With the 15 programs announced today, Community PREP now has provided funding to create 30 new, post-graduate community pharmacy residencies through grants to nonprofit schools and colleges of pharmacy. Pharmacy residencies provide opportunities for residents to continue their education and pursue research under the tutelage of clinical pharmacists in a community pharmacy setting.
“As part of our ongoing commitment to improve patient health outcomes, the Foundation is excited to give community pharmacy residents a strong platform of post-graduate educational opportunities,” stated NACDS Foundation president Kathleen Jaeger. “We congratulate these 15 institutions for their outstanding residency programs, which foster a learning environment focused on innovations in the delivery of patient care services.”
Grant recipients are determined based on the recommendations of an independent review committee comprised of representatives from the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, American Pharmacists Association and the NACDS Foundation.