NAD: Align advertising claims are supported
NEW YORK News such as this really showcases how far the dietary supplement has come in just a few short years. This NAD program was formed and supplemented by the Council for Responsible Nutrition and has proved so popular that the association is looking into extending the program.
It’s important because this program accomplishes three objectives to the betterment of the industry — it vets legitimate dietary supplement manufacturers and the claims they make around their products by way of clinical trials; it cautions those supplement manufacturers who have all intentions of being responsible players in the market but are just a tad too aggressive in some of their marketing claims; and it outs all of those “dietary supplement” marketers who make egregious, impossible-to-support claims for what they really are — the sheisters who give supplements a bad name with all of their lose-100-lbs.-without-ever-getting-off-the-couch testimonials and herbal cancer cure-alls.
And what does it all mean? It means that through industry initiatives like this coupled with Food and Drug Agency enforcement of dietary supplement Good Manufacturing Practices and pre-market notification of new dietary ingredients, tomorrow’s consumer will have a lot more confidence that the supplement they’re taking to better their health will actually do what the company selling that supplement says it does.