Navarro Discount Pharmacy opens prescription fulfillment center facility
MEDLEY, Fla. — Navarro Discount Pharmacy, which operates 31 locations in south Florida, has opened a fulfillment center facility for prescription medications under the name Navarro Health Services.
“The goal of the facility is to shift the pharmacy workload of maintenance, automatic refills and delivery of prescriptions to the fulfillment center facility giving our registered pharmacists more time to serve patients,” stated Albert Garcia, EVP and president of Navarro Health Services. “The facility provides additional consultations related to patient’s medication therapy regimen, adherence, and potential side effects, thus ensuring patients receive world class care.”
According to Garcia, the process is seamless and allows patients to order their prescriptions in person, via telephone or online while decreasing wait time at store level for all new and acute prescriptions.
Located at its corporate headquarters in Medley, the facility includes a call center for incoming and outbound pharmacy inquiries staffed with more than 40 employees. Maritza Aguayo is the director of the facility and Elizabeth Hernandez manages the day–to-day operations.
Navarro Health Services measures the effectiveness of the facility through metrics such as prescription fill turn-around time, average answer time, call volume and other key performance indicators.