Old Spice, Team USA table tennis star Timothy Wang partner to celebrate London 2012 Olympic Games
CINCINNATI — Procter & Gamble’s Old Spice is celebrating its new Champion scent and the London 2012 Olympic Games by partnering with Team USA table tennis representative Timothy Wang, who will look to secure the USA's first-ever medal in table tennis at this year's London 2012 Olympic Games.
To kick off its partnership with Wang, Old Spice will host a table tennis (known as ping pong) event in Los Angeles on July 12, where Wang will meet and greet fans and provide table tennis pointers prior to departing for the London 2012 Olympic Games. The brand will also support its relationship with Wang through a number of champion-themed digital engagement activations.
Old Spice's partnership with Wang celebrates the brand's new Champion scent, which features the Olympic Rings on its packaging. The Old Spice Champion lineup includes a full range of anti-perspirant, deodorant, body wash and body spray products.
"For world-class athletes like Timothy Wang or ordinary guys, believing in your scent can truly be a powerful personal motivator," stated Josh Talge, brand manager for Old Spice North America. "Old Spice Champion captures the essence of manhood, confidence and a sense of achievement, and celebrates the true champion in every man. It's designed to give guys the self-assurance that they can do anything if they put their Smell into it."
While table tennis is widely popular in the United States, it has been dominated by China and South Korea since becoming an official Olympic sport in 1988.