PharmaSmart introduces next generation biometric kiosk
ROCHESTER, N.Y. — PharmaSmart on Wednesday announced the debut of its next generation biometric kiosk, the Model PS2000 (D)estination, which recently completed a pilot inside Mariano’s, a grocer with 26 stores located in the Chicagoland Metro area.
“PharmaSmart has impressed us in recent years with important innovations in clinical accuracy and Health IT," said George Kowalski, VP pharmacy for Roundy's Supermarkets, parent company of Mariano's. "Because of their track record, we elected to pilot the new PharmaSmart PS2000 (D)estination kiosk inside one of our newest locations," he said. “We see the PharmaSmart kiosk as a unique opportunity for Mariano’s Pharmacists to incorporate validated biometric screening into our workflow as it can positively influence a patient’s therapeutic outcome. This opens up important new clinical opportunities for revenue and empowers our pharmacists to go beyond conventional practice scenarios.”
The new kiosk targets hypertension, obesity and diabetes. The device accurately measures left and right arm blood pressure, weight/BMI and is equipped with the option to upload patient glucose data. Patients receive a printed ticket that displays blood pressure, blood sugar and BMI results all in less than three minutes. Patient data also is uploaded to a HIPAA/PIPEDA compliant cloud-server where the data is made available to partner clinical systems, including major pharmacy software systems, physician EMR systems, PHR’s and consumer mobile devices. The kiosk incorporates an interactive multi-media platform, compatibility to loyalty cards, couponing and offers virtual education on hypertension, diabetes and obesity.
"Every interaction patients have with a clinically qualified kiosk is an opportunity to drive clinical services," said Ashton Maaraba, PharmaSmart's COO. "To convert this opportunity pharmacies need an easy-to-use, reliable kiosk supported by clinically validated, peer-0reviewed science. The entire process must be integrated into pharmacist workflow. Our product manufacturing, Health IT and PS DataSmart data mining platform is earning the support of payers, providers and big pharma."