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Reckitt Benckiser sponsors Save the Children's efforts to combat fatal diarrhea among small children


PARSIPPANY, N.J. — OTC drug and consumer products maker Reckitt Benckiser is working with a charity group to combat one of the leading causes of death in young children around the world.

RB said Tuesday that it had teamed up with Save the Children to help prevent child deaths from diarrhea. Diarrhea is the second-leading cause of death in children younger than 5 years. This year, RB sponsored its biannual Global Challenge to raise money for a children's health product in Indonesia.

"The Global Challenges give RB employees the opportunity to participate in several global Save the Children projects that we support," RB senior brand manager for Finish and leader of the company's Save the Children team Christine van den Broeck said. "The experience in Indonesia was so eye-opening, and truly showed how far funds we raise go to help children in need."

The Global Challenge, which took place in June, included 61 RB employees from 29 countries and such events as auctions, product sales and dress-down days, as well as the creation of a charity cookbook sold to communities in New Jersey. In total, the campaign raised $65,000, which was matched by RB, and the company hopes to raise $1 million for Save the Children in 2013.


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