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Report: Former HHS secretary Mike Leavitt to lead GOP hopeful's health policy efforts


WASHINGTON — Former secretary for the Department of Health and Human Services Mike Leavitt will lead presidential hopeful Mitt Romney's transition planning should Romney win the fall elections, according to a report published Wednesday by National Journal Daily.

Leavitt helped author the prescription coverage under Medicare Part D during his tenure at HHS.

According to the report, Leavitt, a former Utah governor, will also be in charge of implementing any health reforms under Romney. The report identified Tevi Troy, Leavitt‚ former deputy at HHS, and Thomas Barker, now a partner at Foley Hoag, who also worked for Leavitt at HHS as prominent members on Romney's health advisory team, along with Scott Gottlieb, now with the American Enterprise Institute, who served as a senior adviser at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services during the Bush years and later became a deputy commissioner at the Food and Drug Administration.

For the full report, click here.

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