ReportersNotebook — Over the Counter, 10/15/12
SUPPLIER NEWS — Summit Laboratories recently launched a pair of skin care items ideal for people with diabetes. Aside from kidney and eye disorders, skin disorders are one of the top challenges for diabetics. Summit Laboratories’ Dr. Fred Summit Type 1 & 2 Diabetic Rehydrating Cleanser and Cream provide a one-two punch to help promote proper leg and foot care. The pair of products are being merchandised as a solution for dry and itching skin associated with diabetes, and retail for $6.99 and $12.99, respectively.
The Senate last month passed a resolution naming October 2012 National Medicine Abuse Awareness Month. The Senate resolution urges communities to carry out programs and activities to educate parents and youth of the potential dangers associated with medicine abuse. “While over-the-counter and prescription medicines are safe and necessary when used properly, too many teens are abusing these drugs to get high,” stated Gen. Arthur Dean, chairman and CEO of the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America. Over the course of October, CADCA coalitions across the United States will be holding events to educate their communities about the dangers of medicine abuse and to discuss solutions to the problem. “These grassroots efforts can spur a nationwide dialogue about prescription and over-the-counter drug abuse in communities and among families across the country,” Dean said.