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RILA calls Senate healthcare-reform bill ‘terribly flawed’


ARLINGTON, Va. The Senate healthcare-reform legislation will undermine the quality and affordable health care that retail industry members offer their employees and will stifle retail job growth for years to come, said the Retail Industry Leaders Association on Saturday.

John Emling, RILA’s SVP government affairs issued a statement, saying that the Senate has failed to "craft meaningful reform of America’s healthcare system to reduce costs and expand coverage to more Americans."

“RILA members currently provide benefits to millions of employees and their families. In order to do so, they rely upon their ability under current law to design quality and affordable plans that reflect their unique workforce," the statement noted.

RILA added that, “Although we remain hopeful that a meaningful health care reform package can be crafted, the Senate legislation is terribly flawed and falls dreadfully short of our shared goal of reducing the unsustainable costs employers and their employees face.  For these reasons, RILA opposes the Senate bill and urge Senators to oppose cloture.”

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