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Rite Aid raises record-breaking amount for Children's Miracle Network


CAMP HILL, Pa. — Rite Aid raised $5.9 million for Children's Miracle Network Hospitals in 2012, the retail pharmacy chain said.

The company said the amount marked a record and was 41% higher than the year before. Rite Aid has supported the organization for 18 years, and the money funds critical care, research and equipment at 95 Children's Miracle Network Hospitals in communities served by Rite Aid.

"Rite Aid hit a fundraising milestone in 2012 by raising a record-breaking amount of vital funds for local children's hospitals," Children's Miracle Network hospitals president and CEO John Lauck said. "We are grateful for our long-standing partnership with Rite Aid and the amazing efforts of Rite Aid associates nationwide."

2012 also marked the first-ever mobile and social media campaign for the organization, allowing customers to donate via mobile text messaging and the company's Facebook page in addition to purchasing paper Miracle Balloons. Funding was also raised through events such as plant sales, fishing trips and bowling matches.

"Each year, Rite Aid associates give their all when it comes to fundraising for Children's Miracle Network Hospitals and this year, the results of their efforts were truly phenomenal," Rite Aid COO and Rite Aid Foundation president Ken Martindale said.

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