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SoloHealth, WellPoint announce strategic relationship


ATLANTA — SoloHealth on Friday announced a new relationship with WellPoint to help provide consumers with convenient access to information about their health and wellness through the next-generation SoloHealth Station consumer kiosks.

The news comes on the heels of SoloHealth's recent FDA approval in June, as well as its announcement of an aggressive rollout to retail locations nationwide to begin this fall.

The SoloHealth Station is an interactive, comprehensive health-and-wellness screening kiosk for consumers placed in high-traffic retail locations or high-volume places like corporate campuses or hospitals. “We’re really taking healthcare to where the people are,” Bart Foster, SoloHealth CEO, told DSN.

The SoloHealth Station provides health screenings for vision, blood pressure, weight and body mass index, a symptom checker, as well as an overall health assessment free of charge. SoloHealth also helps connect consumers to local professionals through their databases, helping people enter the most appropriate and accurate point in the health care system.

With this kiosk in mind, SoloHealth was one of the companies invited to testify before the Food and Drug Administration's public meeting on ways to expand the Rx-to-OTC switch paradigm. "The kiosk can help to drive awareness around a particular condition or remedy, can help educate the consumer and spark action, Foster said. "It's precisely in the sweet spot of what the FDA is trying to do."

"We have a longstanding commitment to help people get healthy and stay healthy by leveraging consumer-friendly products and services to improve their health and wellness," stated Brett Moraski, VP transformation for WellPoint. "SoloHealth's consumer kiosk … is a truly innovative product that leverages technology to provide an enhanced, convenient and engaging consumer health experience. By investing in SoloHealth, we are excited to help millions of Americans better manage their own health and wellbeing."

The relationship includes a financial investment but terms were not disclosed. Additionally, Brett Moraski has been named to the SoloHealth board of directors.

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