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Unilever, Sunbeam Back ‘DeGeneres’ Marketing Program


NEW YORK Unilever and Sunbeam have been named exclusive national sponsors of “Wish You Were Here,” a joint AOL/Warner Bros. Television Group (WBTVG) marketing program for “The Ellen DeGeneres Show,” according to Marketing Daily.

As part of the marketing program, Unilever’s All small & mighty concentrated laundry detergent is directing a nationwide eco-education program and contest called “Search for the Greenest Grade School in America.” The grand prize-winning school will get $50,000 toward building an eco-friendly playground, among other prizes.

As a supporting sponsor, the Sunbeam Rocket Grill will get prime online branding through the site and integration as an audience prize on the TV show.

“Ellen is one of the most popular personalities on television, and we are excited to partner with Telepictures to create this program that connects Ellen with her fan base across the country,” said Kathy Kayse, EVP of AOL Brand Solutions.

The 10-week program, available at, is a cross-platform collaboration between AOL, WBTVG and its Telepictures Productions unit. Visitors to the site can upload their stories, photos and videos with their pitches. DeGeneres will use the stories on her TV show and visit the winner in December.

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