URAC solicits public comment on accountable care accreditation program
WASHINGTON — Healthcare accrediting organization URAC is calling for public comment on a new set of standards it has issued for accountable care, the group said.
URAC announced the release of its accountable care accreditation standards and measures, saying public comments were due no later than May 17. The standards were designed by a committee of industry experts for organizations prepared to assume greater risk and manage their patient populations, which requires organizations to be more robust in terms of technology and programming.
The group is also proposing to include measures with the accreditation that align with Medicare's Shared Savings Program, and organizations that achieve accreditation are better prepared to assume the role of ACOs.
Accountable care accreditation is one of two components of URAC's roadmap, the other of which is building a clinically integrated network. The accreditation for clinical integration is scheduled for release later this year.