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The Warriors available soon on iPhone and iPod Touch


ATLANTA In collaboration with Dabel Brothers, iVerse has announced The Warriors is now available through certain mobile devices.

The novel-based film tells the story of a New York gang of the same name, framed for killing a rival gang leader who tried to unite all gangs in the area. Beginning July 15, The Warriors comics will be available on Apple’s iPhone and iPod touch, and Google’s Android Mobile Devices through iVerse Media’s digital distribution technology.

The comic will begin with The Warriors comic book movie adaptation. Following that will be The Warriors: “Jailbreak,” which tells the story of what happens after the movie ends.

The first issue of each will be available for download for free, with subsequent issues available for $.99 each. In order to download iPhone and iPod Touch owners can search for The Warriors in the App Store located directly on their phone, or in iTunes on their P.C. or Mac.

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