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WebMD debuts new health improvement app


NEW YORK — WebMD Health Corp. on Monday announced the launch of WebMD Healthy Target, a health improvement program that gathers data from activity trackers, wireless scales and glucose meters to give consumers physician-reviewed, relevant content and tips that helps them stay on the path of a health-conscious lifestyle.

Healthy Target can interpret step, sleep, weight and blood-glucose data from multiple device manufacturers — including Entra, Fitbit, UP by Jawbone and Withings — into useful insights, the company said.

“WebMD’s Healthy Target empowers consumers to make behavioral changes that can improve their physical and mental health,” said Dr. Michael Smith, chief medical editor at WebMD. “To achieve successful, sustainable behavioral change, consumers must learn how to track and manage the factors that contribute to healthy living.”

Consumers can download Healthy Target through the App store.


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