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Abbott introduces PediaSure SideKicks Clear for mom's picky eaters


ABBOTT PARK, Ill. — Abbott on Wednesday launched PediaSure SideKicks Clear, a clear nutritional beverage that helps balance out the diet of picky eaters who may be missing nutrients. Moms also can have peace of mind knowing that their picky eaters are receiving a source of protein and 19 vitamins and minerals, the company said.

In addition to new flavors berry and tropical fruit, one 6.8-fl.-oz. serving of PediaSure SideKicks Clear provides as much protein as one large egg, as much vitamin D as a 6-oz. yogurt cup and as much vitamin A as a half cup of zucchini. The beverages contain 120 calories and represents a nutritious option for children who don't drink milk or require a gluten-free diet.

According to Abbott consumer research, two-thirds of moms surveyed reported having a picky eater at home, and 9-out-of-10 of these moms said they are unsuccessful at getting their picky eater to eat healthy and nutritious foods every day.

For more information, click here.

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