BSC, CRN join forces for Better Sleep Month
ALEXANDRIA, Va. The Better Sleep Council and the Council for Responsible Nutrition last week joined forces for Better Sleep Month in May to help consumers enjoy a stress-less, good night’s sleep. In order to get the best rest possible and help relieve stress, the BSC and CRN suggested it’s essential for Americans to make a commitment to a healthy lifestyle.
“When you’re stressed, and similarly when you are tired, every aspect of your waking life is affected, from work to personal relationships and even concentration,” stated BSC spokesperson and lifestyle expert Lissa Coffey. “Controlling stress and getting a good night’s rest start by evaluating your lifestyle and creating a healthy daily regimen that you can stick to. This includes adequate sleep, balanced diet, daily vitamins and healthy exercise.”
New research from Oklahoma State University confirms that cyclically poor sleep can elevate stress. The OSU study, “Back Pain, Sleep Quality and Perceived Stress Following Introduction of New Bedding Systems,” published in the March 2009 Journal of Chiropractic Medicine, also suggests that improved sleep quality not only reduces stress, but also helps us manage everyday stress.
“Studies show that healthy individuals tend to engage in many healthy habits — eating a healthy diet, taking supplements, exercising regularly and getting adequate amounts of sleep — as an integrative approach to wellness,” stated Douglas MacKay, VP scientific and regulatory affairs, CRN. MacKay, a licensed naturopathic doctor, suggested certain supplements, including melatonin, magnesium and calcium, may help individuals relax or promote healthy sleep patterns.
“Herbals and other dietary supplements can be safe and effective ways to help individuals achieve quality sleep,” MacKay said. “You should consult a doctor or healthcare professional to determine which supplements are the best regimen for your lifestyle.”